Mode i Nordkorea

av ole, torsdag, april 08, 2010, 18:15 (5139 dagar sedan) @ Håkan

He, he - det gäller att va välklädd...........

Men - hur är det, liknar jackan på en Maojacka??

"Mao Suit in North Korea

Statue of Kim Il-Sung in PyongyangDuring Japanese forced occupation of Korea (1910–1945), many Korean communist leaders including Kim Il-Sung went to China or Russia to effectively fight against the Japanese. They also militarily assisted the Chinese Communist Party for their fight against the Japanese Imperial Army during World War II. While staying in China, many of these leaders adopted Mao suit and continued to wear them even after Korea was liberated by the Allies in 1945.[citation needed] The tradition continued into the 21st century. The current North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il appears frequently wearing Mao suit for formal occasions. Otherwise he wears a modified version of the Mao suit in which the buttons have been replaced by a zipper."


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