Nödtrafik på HF för Haiti, mm

av cptn G, onsdag, januari 20, 2010, 18:29 (5230 dagar sedan)

HI8RCD/HH – Emergency Comms Station
All radio amateurs are requested to keep 14300, 14265, 7265, 7045, 3977 and 3720 kHz clear for possible emergency traffic related to the major earthquake in Haiti.
A committee coordinated by the President of the Radio Club Dominicano with the support of Pepe Goico HI8PGG will tentatively begin emergency radio comms on the morning of Friday, January 14. They intend to install a base station with the callsign HI8RCD/HH, using all modes of communication in the amateur bands - a mobile station using all the designated bands and emergency frequencies will be informing the world, too.
The delegation will be composed initially of Pepe Goico and amateur radio members of the RCD and the Udra namely HI8FLB, HI8CJG, HI8DBF, HI8SAR, HI8JLH, HI8ROD and HI3TEJ.
More info and updates at www.hi8vb.tk / SM5BUH

Radio hams flee Haiti
Eight radio amateurs from Radio Club Dominicano (RCD) who were operating under the callsign HI8RCD/HH have had to abort their operations after the convoy they were travelling in was fired on.
The Radio Amateurs were uninjured but decided to leave the capital for safety and return to the border unescorted. They report the situation as extremely unsafe and scary. The repeaters they have installed remain in service linking the Haitian and Dominican capitals, and are being used by the Red Cross and Civil Defense since there is no other way to communicate.
In other reports, John Henault HH6JH who is engaged in Missionary work with homeless children in Port au Prince continues to make contacts on 20m using power from a neighbour's generator and very pleased that amateur radio enabled him to let his friends in the USA know he was alive.
IARU Region 1 website

Följande frekvenser används för nödtrafik i samband med jordbävningen i Haiti och måste därför hållas fria: 3720 kHz, 7045 kHz, 7265 kHz, 14,265 MHz och 14,300 MHz. Vi kanske inte når just Haiti på 80 eller 40 meter, men vi kan däremot störa deras motstationer. Mer info kan hittas på www.garec.se

73 de sa0awq / cptn G
-säkert allvarlig

mer om Nödtrafik på HF för Haiti

av cptn G, onsdag, januari 20, 2010, 18:38 (5230 dagar sedan) @ cptn G

Klippt ur SSRs hemsida / cptn G
Aktuell info om HAITI
För Er information, så håller jag Nödsambandssidan www.GAREC.se uppdaterad om vad som händer på Haiti. - Jag får mejl från IARU, ARES och RACES med updates i varje fall än så länge. Nödtrafik med Haiti kan höras här i Sverige på 14.265 (SATERN/Salvation Army) och 14.300 (allmänt)
Krister SM0FAG

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